Inside the shack, they saw Susan Bunny and a Peach Pink Bear with a White Belly that had two Daisies on it. The bear was bigger than the bunny and was two and a quarter feet tall. "I'm pretty sure that she is still alive. But, who is this with him?", asked Linda Bunny. "I don't know, but we might as well bring him with us", replied Buster Bunny. Suddenly, Susan Bunny got up and saw Linda Bunny, and cried, "Mom, I knew you wouldn't forget me. With me, is Friend Bear. He was the only friend that I had since I was trapped in the shack with him. I want to bring him with me. Right now, he is just gone plush because of fright when he heard someone at the door. It will be a while before he wakes up". "Sure", said Linda Bunny. Susan Bunny picked up Friend Bear and they headed back to the wagon. It was getting dark as they climbed into to the wagon and Buster Bunny saw that I was still asleep. Linda bunny went to the front of the wagon and started to pedal while Buster Bunny and Susan Bunny sat down with Friend Bear.
       Suddenly, the wagon moved and Linda Bunny turned it around and headed out of Toon Park. We came to the Traffic Light and saw that it was green and continued through it. After we passed the Traffic Light, we went straight and went to the extreme stone covered side of the road. "Buster Bunny, do you remember which way you came to Toon Park?", asked Linda Bunny. "Yes! Why?", answered Buster Bunny. "A few years ago, I found an Abandoned House with a White Picket Fence surrounding about 6¼ acres next to the property this wagon was on. I was about to occupy the abandon house with my husband and children when I was captured by Toon Master.", said Linda Bunny. "Okay, I will tell you how to get to Erik's house. That is where we found this wagon.", said Buster Bunny and he started giving directions to my house. After Buster Bunny finished giving directions, Linda Bunny said, "Luckily, since we have to travel on paved roads that mostly humans travel on, I know of stone cover roads that will get us to Erik's house without getting seen by anyone." "Good idea, Linda Bunny.", said Buster Bunny. We continued down the paved road for a few more minutes until we turned onto a stone covered road. We traveled for over an hour until we came to the stone covered road that was parallel to the hill behind my house.
       We passed my house and after we passed where the Picket Fence Ended my yard, we turned into the forest that was to the east of my yard. Then, Linda Bunny stopped the wagon in front of a gate and got off of the wagon. She opened the gate and got back on the wagon. After getting back on the wagon, Linda Bunny moved the wagon through the gate and got back off again. She closed the gate and got back on the wagon. After getting back on the wagon, Linda Bunny continued moving the wagon until we came to a stop in front of the abandoned house. Then, she went to the back of the wagon and said, "We are at the abandoned house in the forest east of Erik's house". "Okay, we will have to bring your children and everything into the house", said Buster Bunny. Suddenly, I woke up and saw that it was dark. I looked around and seeing Buster Bunny, Linda Bunny, Furrball Cat, Plucky Duck, Erik Mouse, Jeffrey Mouse, and Susan Bunny climbing out of the wagon, I said, "Hey, where is everyone going?". Buster Bunny turned around and came over to me and said, "Erik, you're up? We are at Linda Bunny's House. It is the property east of your house." "Good, why don't we go in and get some sleep. It will be a long day tomorrow.", I answered. Then, Buster Bunny and I climbed out of the wagon to join the other characters while Linda Bunny went inside to turn on a light. After she turned on a light in the Living Room, we went inside.
       When Linda Bunny saw that I was awake, she said, "Erik, as soon as I get the children to bed, I will help you get out of the Bunny Suit". Then, she went upstairs to the second floor and turned on a light in one of the larger Bedrooms. After turning on a light, Linda Bunny came back downstairs and went out to the wagon to bring her children in. When she got to the wagon and climbed into it, Linda Bunny slowly picked up two of her children and carried them inside, and up to the Bedroom where she turned on the light. When Linda Bunny got to the bedroom, she slowly put them on a Mattress covered with Pillows and Blankets in the bedroom. After Linda Bunny slowly put her two children on the Mattress, she headed back downstairs and outside to the wagon to get her other two children. She climbed on to the wagon and slowly picked up her other two children. After slowly picking up her other two children, Linda Bunny carried them inside the house and up to the bedroom. When she came into the bedroom, Linda Bunny slowly placed them on another Mattress covered with Pillows and Blankets.
       After Linda Bunny took care up her first four children, she called downstairs to Susan Bunny. Susan Bunny came upstairs and into the Bedroom with Friend Bear. "I want you to get into bed so I can tuck you in and go to sleep", said Linda Bunny. Susan Bunny climbed into her bed with Friend Bear, which was a third, but smaller Mattress that was made into a bed and got under the Blankets while Linda Bunny came over and kissed her, and said, "Good night, Susan Bunny". Susan Bunny went plush while Linda Bunny turned off the light and left the Bedroom. Linda Bunny then headed into another bedroom and picked up a bottle and a spoon. After picking up a bottle and spoon, Linda Bunny left the bedroom and headed back downstairs, and said to me, "Erik, I will help you get out of the Bunny Suit now". Then, Linda Bunny showed me the bottle and spoon and said, "This is Enlargement Nectar. It will return you to your normal size. But, should you need to get back into the Bunny Suit for some reason, we would have to go to Bunniserene Village to pick up some more Nectar from the Lilliput Orchid." "Err, Linda Bunny, before I take off the Bunny Suit, I will have to get my clothes off the wagon", I said. "Okay", Linda Bunny replied. Then, I went outside to the wagon and got my clothes. As I was getting my clothes, I was remembering the key with the Triangle Cheese Shape and went to pick it up and thought to myself "I'm going to bring this in so I can show it to Erik Mouse". After getting my clothes and the key, I got out of the wagon with them. Then, I brought them back inside and saw that Linda Bunny got a pair of scissors. After seeing Linda Bunny with the scissors, I put my clothes down and said, "I'm ready now". Linda Bunny came over to me, pulled down the overalls, and lifted up the shirt. Then, Linda Bunny took the pair of scissors she was holding and cut the threads to reopen the opening in the Bunny Suit.
       After Linda Bunny finished, she said, "Okay, you can go and take off the Bunny Suit now". "I'm going to go upstairs to your Bathroom and take the Bunny Suit off there, if that is all right with you", I said. "Since you helped save my children, go ahead. Here is the Enlargement Nectar so you can take some while you are up there.", said Linda Bunny. She gave me the Enlargement Nectar and I picked up my clothes. I went upstairs to the bathroom, and got out of the Bunny Suit. After I got out of the Bunny Suit, I opened the bottle of Enlargement Nectar and poured some of it on to the spoon. After I poured some of the Enlargement Nectar on to the spoon, I put the spoon in my mouth and swallowed the nectar. Suddenly, I grew bigger as I returned to my normal size. After I returned to my normal size, I closed the bottle of Enlargement Nectar and got my clothes on. After I got my clothes on, I took the Bunny Suit, the bottle of Enlargement Nectar, and the spoon and went downstairs to Linda Bunny. When I came back downstairs, I gave Linda Bunny the Bunny Suit and the bottle Enlargement Nectar and she said, "It is time for us to get some sleep". When I heard that, I remembered that I should be home sleeping and said, "Linda Bunny, my mom and dad will need a note telling them where I'm at". "Erik, don't worry. Write your parents a note and I will have Buster Bunny deliver it.", Linda Bunny replied. Then, I went into the Dinning Room while Linda Bunny took the Bunny Suit and bottle of Enlargement Nectar upstairs. In the Dinning Room, I found myself a piece of paper and pencil, and wrote a note. When I finished writing the note, I went to see Erik Mouse about the key that I had while I was waiting for Linda Bunny to come back downstairs. I went into the Living Room to see Erik Mouse and showed him the key.
       As soon as Erik Mouse saw the Triangle Cheese Shape on the key, he said, "That is the Silver Rodentia Key which opens the doorway to the room linking this world with Toon World at Rodentia Village". "What is Rodentia Village? It sounds like its a village of mice.", I asked Erik Mouse. Yes its a village of mice where I and Jeffrey Mouse came from before we were captured by Toon Master's mean men. Before my friend, Jeffrey Mouse, and I were captured, there was a Wizard named Nylock who lived outside of Rodentia Village in a Fortress. He hated the mice for their simple and peaceful ways. So, he attacked the village and tried to exterminate the poor mice living there. But, a brave mouse named Sir. David Mouse spearheaded Nylock. Nylock was said to have been killed by Sir. David Mouse because he hasn't been heard from since. Lately, they have been attacks by Imps once in a while that Sir. David Mouse has been defeating. We don't know if that is the work of Nylock or not. The last thing I heard about in Rodentia Village is that the Imp attacks have been getting worse. I don't know how much longer Sir. David Mouse can hold out against them. I fear the worst for Rodentia Village", said Erik Mouse. "Those poor mice, we need to go there tomorrow to find out where those Imp attacks are coming from", I said. "What about Babs Bunny?", Buster Bunny asked. "After we help the poor mice, we will continue our search for Babs Bunny", I answered. After that, Linda Bunny came back downstairs to greet us and I said to her, "Linda Bunny, I have written a note for my mom and dad". "Okay. Buster Bunny, could you take this to Erik's House", Linda Bunny asked. "Sure", responded Buster Bunny. Buster Bunny came over and I gave him the note and he went outside to the wagon to get a Flashlight.
       When Buster Bunny got to the wagon, he climbed into it and got a Flashlight. After getting a Flashlight, Buster Bunny climbed off of it and followed a path west towards my house. As Buster Bunny was following the path, he came to the Old Gate on the east side of my yard. He opened it and went to my house. When Buster Bunny got to my house, he found that my back door was left unlocked for me. Seeing that the door was unlocked, Buster Bunny went inside to the Kitchen Table and left the note. While Buster Bunny left the note, Buster Bunny thought to himself, "Erik is going to need some pajamas for the night". After Buster Bunny left the note, he went upstairs to my room. When Buster Bunny got to my room, he went to my dresser and got out a pair of my pajamas. After he got a pair of my pajamas, he went back downstairs and left my house and headed back to Linda Bunny's House. When he got back to Linda Bunny's House, he went inside and said, "I'm back from delivering the note and with a pair of Erik's pajamas". "Good, its time for us to get some sleep. I'll bring down some of the extra Blankets and Pillows while Erik gets into his pajamas", said Linda Bunny. Linda Bunny went upstairs to get some of the extra blankets while Buster Bunny came over to me and said, "Erik, while I was at your house, I got a pair of your pajamas". "Thanks, I'll go put them on", I responded. Then, I went into the other room and changed into my pajamas. After I changed into my pajamas, Linda Bunny came downstairs with the extra Blankets and Pillows and gave them to me for us to lay down on the floor on. Then, I placed them in the middle of the Living Room and Buster Bunny, Furrball Cat, Plucky Duck, Erik Mouse, Jeffrey Mouse, and I laid down on them. The characters went plush and I feel asleep while Linda Bunny went upstairs to her room and climbed into bed. She went plush and later that night, I woke up to a loud bang. "What was that?!", I exclaimed. I looked out the window to see that the night sky was lit up like a flash of lightening frozen in time and then slowly fade back to darkness. Then, I looked around to see that the characters are still plush, laid back down, and went back to sleep.
       The next morning, I saw Linda Bunny in the Kitchen cooking something and saw that the characters were still plush. I got up and went into the Kitchen, and Linda Bunny said, "Good morning, Erik. I am cooking Susan Bunny's breakfast. It is Carrot Pancakes, but I know you wouldn't like them.". "Last night, I was woken up to a loud bang outside. And, when I looked out the window, I saw that the night sky was lit up.", I said. "I wonder what that could have been. It may have been a meteor that crashed nearby.", responded Linda Bunny. "Since the characters are still plush, I'll get dressed and go outside and take a look around", I said. I went back to the Living Room and got dressed. After I got dressed, I went outside and walked around in the forest. While I was walking around, I saw a path that headed east and decided to follow it. I followed the path and I came to a meadow. After seeing the meadow, I turned around and headed back to Linda Bunny's House. When I returned to Linda Bunny's House, I went inside.
       After I entered the house, I saw that the characters getting up off the floor and I said. "Good morning, everyone". "Good morning, Erik", said Buster Bunny. "Last night, I was woken up to a loud bang outside. And, when I looked out the window, I saw that the night sky was lit up.", I said. "Oh, I wonder what that was!", exclaimed Buster Bunny. "Lets go and see if we can find what caused the loud bang", I said. "Okay", replied Buster Bunny. Suddenly, Linda Bunny came into the room and said, "I'm going to stay here and watch my children". "Okay", I replied and Buster Bunny, Erik Mouse, Jeffrey Mouse, Plucky Duck, Furrball Cat, and I left Linda Bunny's house. After we went outside, we headed to the wagon to get my Wooden Bat in case of trouble. When we came to the wagon, I climbed into it and picked up the Wooden Bat up along with the Gray Key and Rodentia Key. Then, I got back off the wagon and we started to search for what caused the loud bang. We followed a path through the forest to the meadow and then followed another path to the north through the forest. As we followed the path, we saw that the hill located to the north of my house ended north of Linda Bunny's Property. In the area beyond the end of the hill was a Picket Fence with a gate over the path. When we came to the gate, we opened it and went through it.
       Then, we closed it and continued to follow the path north around the hill until we suddenly saw a spot where everything was blacken. Suddenly, I heard evil laughter and then a voice that said, "I finally found you!". "What?!", I exclaimed. Suddenly, a man stepped into our path along with four soldiers. The man was wearing green and brown robes while the soldiers looked medieval armed with Wooden Clubs. The man continued, "Hand the characters over!". "No!", I exclaimed. Then, the man calmly said, "They have been too much trouble for Toon Master". "They are peace loving and want to be free", I said. "Toon Master has decided that they are too dangerous to be left alone. He has contacted me to come and destroy them. I came here in a space ship that crash landed nearby and I was lucky to see you today walking with the characters.", said the man. "I will not hand them over. They just want to live peacefully and they are not dangerous", I said. "Since you would not hand them over peacefully, I will have to take them by force!", exclaimed the man and then he shouted, "SOLDIERS!!, GET THEM!!". Suddenly, the soldiers came toward me as the characters scattered. As a soldier came toward me, I swung the Wooden Bat and knocked the soldier out. Suddenly, I saw that the other three soldiers about to hit me when I suddenly jumped and grabbed onto a low tree branch. Seeing another tree branch near me within reach of the bat, I swung the bat at it. I hit the tree branch hard enough that it broke off and landed on top of two soldiers.
       Suddenly, the two soldiers turned in the other direction and ran off while I climbed down off of the branch. As I came down to the ground, I was surprised by the last soldier. The soldier kicked me and I fell to the ground as the soldier lifted up his Wooden Club to prepare to put an end to me. Just as the soldier was about to deliver the fatal blow, he was hit by a big rock and fell unconscious. After I saw the soldier fall to the ground, I looked to see who threw the big rock and saw that it was Erik Mouse. I got up and when I was about to thank Erik Mouse, the man stepped into view and said, "I'll be back with reinforcements to take the plushies. You haven't seen the last of Kefka. And, I'm not ready to admit defeat." Then, Kefka ran off and I went over to Erik Mouse to thank him, and said, "Thanks for saving me, Erik Mouse". "It was nothing, we're friends of yours and that's what friends are for", replied Erik Mouse. Then, the other characters came out of hiding and came over to us. "Looks like that was what caused the loud bang", I said. We headed back to Linda Bunny's House. When we got back to Linda Bunny's House, we saw Linda Bunny outside working in the garden and walked up to her, and said, "We found that the loud bang was caused by another one of Toon Master's Henchmen when he came here in a Space Ship that crash landed nearby. "Then, I hope that they don't come here", said Linda Bunny. "I doubt it because we defeated the henchman and he ran off". "Good, where are you going next?", asked Linda Bunny. "Rodentia Village, but we are going to first stop by my house for some breakfast and then go down to where Ivan Bunny is to see where he knows where the gateway to Rodentia Village is", I answered. I went to the wagon to grab a Flashlight. When I came back, Buster Bunny, Erik Mouse, Jeffrey Mouse, Plucky Duck, Furrball Cat, and I followed a path through the forest west towards my house.
       While we followed the path, we came to the gate and fence surrounding my yard. We opened the gate and entered my yard. Then, we closed the gate and continued towards my house. When we got to my house, Buster Bunny said, "Uh, we are going to stay out here while you go to have breakfast". "Sure", I replied and I went inside. When I came into the Kitchen, I ran into my mom who suddenly said, "Erik, I'm glad that you left a note where you were. We started to get worried". "I stayed at a friend's house", I replied. I sat down to have breakfast. When I finished, I said, "I'm going to go down in the basement". "Go ahead", my mom replied. I went down to the basement where I decided to go see what Ivan Bunny and Hamton Pig are doing and to see if Ivan Bunny knows where the gateway to Rodentia Village is. I went over to the spot where the Secret Door is and pressed the Small Stone. The Secret Door opened and I turned on the Flashlight and crawled through into the Small Room. When I came into the Small Room, I turned around and pushed the other Small Stone. The door closed as I went down the stone stairs and followed the hallway straight until I came to the split where you could only go straight, left, or right. I went straight and continued to follow the hallway until I came to a split where you could only go left or right. I went to the left and continued to follow the hallway until I came to the Gray Steel Door on the left side of the hallway.
       When I came to the Gray Steel Door on the left side of the hallway, I unlocked and opened it. After I opened the door, I went into the room and closed the door. After I closed the door, I went to the door to the left where I saw light and unlocked and opened it. After I opened it, I went into the large room and Ivan Bunny came over to greet me, and said, "Erik, you're back. Have you found Babs Bunny". "Not yet!", I replied. "What brings you down here?", asked Ivan Bunny. "I came down here to see how you and Hamton Pig were doing. Also, do you know where the gateway to Rodentia Village is?", I replied. "In your yard where there is the hidden cave entrance that leads down here, there is another hidden cave entrance nearby and down in there I believe is the gateway to Rodentia Village is.", Ivan Bunny answered. "Great, that is where we will head next. Also, would you like to go over to Linda Bunny's House?", I replied. "You freed Linda Bunny?!, Hamton Pig and I will go over there to see how she's doing with her children!", Ivan Bunny exclaimed happily. Hamton Pig, Ivan Bunny, and I left the big room. After Hamton Pig and I went back out into the hallway, Ivan Bunny closed and locked the door to the large room. Then, Ivan Bunny unlocked and opened the door to the room we placed the Treasure Chest of 200 Gold Coins in. After unlocking and opening the door, Ivan Bunny went into the room and picked up the Treasure Chest of 200 Gold Coins. After picking up the Treasure Chest of 200 Gold Coins, Ivan Bunny left the room and closed the door. When Ivan Bunny came out into the hall, he said to me, "Could you carry this Treasure Chest? I've decided to bring it with us.", Ivan Bunny asked. "Sure", I replied and I took the treasure chest from Ivan Bunny. Then, Ivan Bunny closed and locked the door and we went back the way we came we came. When we came to the Secret Door, Ivan Bunny opened it and we crawled out to the basement. Then, Ivan Bunny turned around and closed the Secret Door.
       We went upstairs to the Dinning Room. When we entered into the Dinning Room, Ivan Bunny and Hamton Pig went plush. Seeing that they went plush, I put the Treasure Chest on the floor and picked up the Ivan Bunny and Hamton Pig plushies and placed them on top of the Treasure Chest. Then, I picked the Treasure Chest back up and carried them through the Kitchen. Luckily, I didn't bump into my mom or dad. I went outside and placed the Treasure Chest down. When I placed the Treasure Chest down, Ivan Bunny and Hamton Pick got up and off of the Treasure Chest. After Ivan Bunny and Hamton Pig got off the Treasure Chest, I picked it back up while Buster Bunny, Erik Mouse, Jeffrey Mouse, Plucky Duck, and Furrball Cat came over to greet us. "Let's head back to Linda Bunny's House", Buster Bunny said. "Erik Mouse, could you carry this for me?", I asked Erik Mouse. "Sure", Erik Mouse replied and he came over. I gave him the Treasure Chest and we headed east towards Linda Bunny's House. When we got back to Linda Bunny's House, we saw that Linda Bunny was still outside and working in the garden. Seeing Ivan Bunny working in the garden, Ivan Bunny went over to Linda Bunny and said, "Hi, Linda Bunny, how are you?". "Good", Linda Bunny replied. "Well, Hamton Pig and I would like to go inside to see how your children are, if that's all right", asked Ivan Bunny. "Well, I'm afraid that they are still in Suspended Plush Animation. But, you still could go in and watch over them", answered Linda Bunny. "I'll do that", said Ivan Bunny. "The rest of us will head to Rodentia Village now", I then said. "Okay", Linda Bunny responded.

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